Lincoln’s Grave Robbers

Steve Sheinkin‘s forthcoming book, Lincoln’s Grave Robbers, is a fascinating look at a little known episode in American history.   Sheinkin brilliantly crafts this event as a gripping crime thriller, rife with tension, compelling characters, and a plot thick with drama.  Short chapters, straightforward prose and interesting historical photographs placed every few pages ensure that Lincoln’s Grave Robbers will be a hit among all readers, from high to low, and for both history buffs and readers seeking a thrill.

In the fall of 1875, the Secret Service raids the home of master counterfeiter Benjamin Boyd and arrests him.  This throws the multimillion dollar world of American currency counterfeiters into jeopardy and his gang will stop at nothing to free him.  A plot is hatched by a small crew of clever, determined men to steal the body of America’s most beloved president and ransom it for both Boyd’s release and a tidy sum of $200,000.  An intrepid Secret Service agent in the Chicago bureau learns of the plot and strategically places a roper (informant) among the scheming men to foil the plot.

What ensues is a suspenseful, tension filled account alternating between the conspirators, agents, and informers.   It’s fascinating to learn about the origins of the US Secret Service, the world of counterfeiting, and the gruesome history of body snatching.  Be prepared to be both entertained and enlightened.

  • Posted by Cori


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