This Is What Happy Looks Like

If you received an email from an unknown person, would you reply? Most people would delete the message without even opening it…but what if that email held the fate of your future love life?

Ellie O’Neill receives an email from While the email address is unfamiliar to her, curiosity forces her to read it. The email was accidentally sent to her but the topic of the message piked her interest. This mystery person was telling Ellie about his pet pig and was unaware that he sent it to the wrong person. Ellie informs GDL824 about his accidental message to her, yet their conversation does not end there.

Weeks pass and Ellie and GDL824 know everything about one another except their names and backgrounds.  Ellie has no idea that her new pen pal is none other than the latest teen movie star, Graham Larkin. Ellie mentioned her hometown and high school job in an email to him. Coincidentally, Graham’s latest movie director is looking for a set for the upcoming film, and Graham casually mentions Ellie’s small town in Maine.

Graham and Ellie continue their friendship and emails for months. Soon, the two teenagers are beginning to fall in love with one another. The only problem is, how can Graham start a relationship with an ordinary teen? How will Ellie react when she learns her pen pal is a huge movie star and she is not fond of the public light? Will the two ever meet one another and live happily ever after? Or will the teens crash and burn once their identities are brought to light?

In this adventurous, love novel Jennifer E. Smith portrays the thought-provoking questions that will make the reader question, “What would I do?” I would recommend this novel for teenagers who enjoy reading love stories.

  • Posted by Jacquie

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