Wicked Cruel: Three Urban Legends

In Rich Wallace‘s Wicked Cruel, three stories take place in a small New England town that’s full of cemeteries from Colonial times,  old roads that wind through the woods and end nowhere, and more than one strange old character.  Urban legends that spring from stories told and retold, always based on a “reliable source”, these stories are a little crazy, a little scary, and just believable enough to grab ahold and drag you in.

When sixth grader Jordan is watching a video online he catches a glimpse of a kid in the crowd who used to attend elementary school with him. Crazy thing is, Lorne Bainer moved away, but not to Japan, where this video was shot.  Even crazier, Jordan swears Lorne is looking right at the camera, right through the camera, directly at him.  When Jordan mentions the video to another kid at school he hears that Lorne died from latent head trauma not long after moving away, caused by years of being bullied and beaten up at school.  Now, Jordan is sure he’s being haunted by Lorne, since the kid’s face is showing up everywhere he looks.  Wracked with guilt over the way he treated Lorne and the fact that he never stood up to the other kids who bullied him, Jordan’s desperate to escape from a ghost that seems bent on punishing him from the beyond.

On the night of the town’s famous Pumpkin Fest, Danny Morgan would prefer not to attend his father’s lame poetry reading at the college. He’d rather hang out downtown among the hundreds of tourists who crowd the town’s square to see the thousand pumpkins being lit and eat from all the awesome snack carts and food trucks.  He’s also hoping for a chance to hang out with Janelle, a smart, pretty girl in his class he only hopes likes him as much as he likes her.  And as luck would have it, not only does Janelle hang out with him all night, he even gets to walk her home.  Too bad they’re being followed by two of the school’s bullies, Luke and Carter, who are set on giving Danny a hard time.  When they corner Danny on dark, deserted road, something happens that Danny can hardly believe: the legendary, spectral horses of Brickyard Pond rise up out of the water as if responding to his need, run the bullies down, and then disappear back into the shadowy woods.

Owen only agrees to to to the Daughters of the Revolution costume dance with Mason if he can have a chance to spend the evening with Emma, the girl he’s been secretly crushing on for weeks. Aside from there being just a few guys at the dance, Owen also has to come up with a costume that will make him look like some kind of Benjamin Franklin-type.  What Owen doesn’t expect, though, is that he’ll meet two girls at the dance who are way more interesting than snotty Emma: Sophie, another girl in his class whom he hadn’t even noticed up until now, but who turns out to be both interesting and brave, and Charity, a quiet girl who happens to be a ghost.

  • Posted by Cori



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