Reader’s Review: The Littlest Bigfoot

bigfootIn The Littlest Bigfoot, New York Times Best Seller Jennifer Weiner delivers the first of what I hope to be many books for young adults.  This is a story about two girls from two different worlds who have always felt like outsiders but somehow form an unlikely friendship.  There is twelve-year-old Alice, who is ashamed of her unruly hair, and larger-than-average body, and has difficulty fitting in at school. She is being shipped off to her either boarding school at The Experimental Center for Love and Learning, where “everyone has a thing,” and lentil loaf is a dinner staple.  There she meets her bunkmates Riya and Taley who Alice is understandably cautious in getting close to.

Then there is Mille, the littlest of the little Yares – or Bigfoot clan. The Yare’s spend their lives hiding in the woods, far from the prying eyes of No-Furs. Millie, who is smaller, not as fast, and looks different than the rest of her clan is obsessed with the No-Fur world and wants nothing more than to be a part of it. Unfortunately for Mille, this is forbidden, and she is destined to take over for her father, as leader of the clan.

One night, Alice and Millie meet in an unlikely situation and the two form an instant friendship.  When Alice find out Millie’s secret, she swears to protect her at all costs from sixth grader Jeremy, who is obsessed in proving Bigfoot exists and his band of Bigfoot hunters.

This book was as funny and charming as one might expect from Jennifer Weiner, in this enchanting story about friendship, heartbreak, and “finding a place where you belong.” I would recommend this to anyone looking for a fun, easy read book ages 12-15.

  • Posted by Alisha Bach


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