Reader’s Review: Can You See Me?

Hi, my name is Sabrina. I live in Arizona. I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I have recently read the book Can You See Me? by Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott. This is my review on it.

Personally, I think this is a very good book. It is great for readers in the 5th and 6th grades, so mostly ages 10-13. The story follows an 11 year old autistic girl named Tally who is going into the 6th grade. Can You See Me? helped me better understand what autism is and what it feels like to be autistic. This book included lots of facts, as well as pros and cons about having autism. It made me feel like I was right there next to Tally one moment and the next, right there in her shoes. I think this is a great read for autistic kids and non-autistic kids alike. I would definitely give this book 4 and a half stars because it was a great book but it was also a little bit sad. I won’t spoil anything for you, though. Go to Phoenix Book Company to get your own copy of Can You See Me? and find out what happens.

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