Savvy by Ingrid Law


I couldn’t put Savvy down until I was finished! It was fun and touching with great characters and a clever premise. When a Beaumont kid turns 13, they get their “savvy.”   Mib’s older brothers have powerful savvys: one can make storms and the other makes electricity. What will Mib’s savvy be? Right before Mib’s 13th birthday her father is hospitalized from a terrible car accident. She is determined to visit her father at the hospital 90 miles away because she is convinced that her savvy will allow her to save him. On the journey to her father Mib has a grand adventure where she gets to know herself, her new savvy, her brothers, and some unlikely new friends. The end is sweet and satisfying, and left me hoping for more stories of the Beaumonts and their unusual talents. Great for all ages! But probably most enjoyed by ten and up.

  • Posted by Michelle

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