medvanishBestselling author Sophie Jordan’s novel Vanish is about Jacinda’s life when she gets back to the pride. After being taken away from the pride by her mother and almost exposing her race’s one kept secret.  In this detailed sequel to Firelight, there are many issues Jacinda  must face: she has to choose between her love for her pride and her true love, Will;  her relationship with Cassian has an unexpected twist because Cassian want something more from Jacinda  than she is willing to give; Jacinda realizes she wants nothing at all but to be herself; Jacinda’s twin sister Tamara has some surprises; and you find out if the pride will clip her wings or let her fly.

What I like about the book is that is full of adventure, that it’s a little fantasy and romantic, and that it’s so detailed, you actually feel like you’re there in Jacinda’s world. It’s full of the rules, customs, and creatures of the pride and is a great way to experience another world.  I like how Jacinda is very persistent when it comes to her family and friends and that she will even risk her own life to save someone. I like that there is more action and drama in Vanish than there was in Firelight.  I think other people will enjoy reading Vanish because it’s worth your time and after you read this book you will be anxious for the third book in the series.  If you do read this book, you won’t regret it.

  • Posted by Cherell

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