In Sangu Mandanna‘s The Lost Girl, Eva is a fifteen year old girl living in London who has a life completely different than anyone she knows. She is an echo; a creation made by a group of individuals called the Weavers. She was created to prepare if her ‘other’, Amarra, were to die. Eva would take her place and continue to live Amarra’s life in India with only Amarra’s parents knowing she is an echo and not their true daughter. Eva looks identical to her ‘other’ and has been trained since birth to walk, talk, dress, and act like Amarra.

Eva is convinced nothing will ever happen to her ‘other’ and wants to be individualized and  create hobbies of her own.  Eva’s guardians continually reinforce her to prepare and study Amarra but nothing prepares Eva until she receives the news; her ‘other’ has died in a tragic car accident when driving with her boyfriend and Eva must move to India to fulfill her echo responsibilities immediately.

Struggling to maintain her ‘others’ life, Eva is confronted with a huge dilemma that will change her life forever. Eva is forced to choose between continuing living as an echo in India or flee the country and become her own identity and free from the Weavers.

  • Posted by: Jacquie Krznarich

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