How would you feel if you had to constantly move, change your name, appearance, and high school? Sadly, this is a feeling that Anna Boyd and her family know all too well. Anna’s parents and little sister are in Witness Protection and have had six identities in less than one year. Moving around is hard enough, but Anna has no idea why she and her family are in Witness Protection to begin with.

Not only does Anna have to pick a new name and memorize her “childhood memories”, she is constantly being placed and taken out of various high schools during her senior year. Her new identity is Megan Jones and she is living in Louisiana. As if high school isn’t hard enough, Anna tries to distance herself from clubs, sports, and friends. Moving every month or so is not worth the time and effort it takes to form friendships; it is even harder to leave without saying goodbye.

Alone and quiet, Megan meets Ethan Landry, a farm boy that attends her high school. Ethan is determined to befriend Megan and learn more about her. He finds her interesting and mysterious…as if she is hiding something. Sadly, not even Megan knows what she and her family are hiding. She has no recollection of the last night she was Anna Boyd, living in Scottsdale, Arizona. The only memory she has is from the night before when she witnessed her boyfriend and his father getting shot and murdered.

Megan was not the only family member to witness bad business. Megan’s father was involved with money wiring and investments with hundreds of clients. Did he take on the wrong client? Megan’s mother has a drinking problem. Did she make a mistake when she was intoxicated one night?

Did the killer see her and is trying to find her to kill off his only witness? Did her father mess with bad investments with his clientele? Will her family ever be free from Witness Protection? This exciting, fast paced novel will leave readers turning pages to find the truth behind Megan’s family. I highly recommend this novel, The Rules of Disappearing by Ashley Elston.

  • Posted by Jacquie

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