2015-2016 PBC Preferred Collections are here!

1516preferredIt’s that time of year again: the PBC Preferred Collections are here! It’s easy to stay current with all the new books you NEED to see, just use the PBC Preferred Collections!

3 Easy Ways to Stay Current

1.) Pick your own titles using our handy order forms. These are the Featured Collections, a.k.a. the FULL lists.

2.) One form and you’re done for the whole year!
Use the three levels of PBC Preferred Collections.

We combed through our featured collections (above) for the whole year and picked out all the must-have titles, and created these collections for you. It’s easy to keep your library current with any size budget.

3.) Book a PBC Preview to hear all about our absolute favorites!

PBC Presentations SP HeaderBe “in the know” by taking a tour of New Book Galaxy with Cori, your awesome tour guide. Stay on top of new trends, continuing series, and the must-have books of the year by booking a FREE PBC Preview!

We’ll come to you and present the latest releases and the best of the upcoming titles. We’ll tell you about all the newest installments in series, which books you should keep an eye out for, keep you informed about your favorite authors’ new releases, and show you the latest in trending titles and subjects. It’s free, engaging, fun, and we promise you’ll feel more confident making your collection development choices after spending about an hour with us!


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